Indices from Asia-Pacific launched new week’s trading lower. Nikkei dropped 3.0%, S&P/ASX 200 pulled back 1.2% while Kospi slumped 3.2%. Indices from China traded 0.6-3.2% lower

European and US index futures trade lower. DAX futures trade 200 points below Friday’s cash close

Beijing is experiencing a renewed spike in Covid-19 cases. Authorities in the city decided to cancel some sporting activities and events

5 out of 25 districts in Shanghai have been locked down over the weekend

Libya oil minister said that country’s daily output dropped by 1.1 million barrels amid oil field closures

Cryptocurrencies experienced a strong sell-off over the weekend with drop continuing today. Bitcoin drops 6% lower on the day and trades slightly above $25,000, Ethereum drops 8%

Downward move on cryptocurrency markets is being fuelled by news from Celsius Network. Cryptocurrency lending and borrowing company said it suspends all withdrawals, transfers and swaps

South Korean exports were 12.7% YoY lower in the first 10 days of June while imports were 17.5% YoY higher. Semiconductor exports increased 0.8% YoY. Exports to China were 16.2% YoY lower

US dollar is gaining ground against major FX peers. EURUSD dropped below 1.05 while USDJPY jumped above 135.00 for the first time in 24 years

Precious metals pull back amid USD strength. Platinum is the worst performer with a 1.4% drop

Oil pulls back amid broad risk-off moods. Brent and WTI trade 1.1% lower on the day

Ethereum slumped below a $1,715 support zone on Friday and continued to move lower throughout the weekend. The coin is currently testing $1,330 support zone – the lowest price levels in over 15-months