This portion is “used” or “locked up” for the duration of the specific trade.
Once the trade is closed, the margin is “freed” or “released” back into your account and can now be “usable” again… to open new trades.

In order to start trading forex, you need to open an account with a retail forex broker or CFD provider.

The FX market is sufficiently liquid that significant manipulation by any single entity is all but impossible during active trading hours for the major currencies.

The foreign exchange market is so huge and has so many participants that no single entity (not even a central bank or the mighty Chuck Norris himself) can control the market price for an extended period of time.

So now we know that the London session is the busiest out of all the other sessions, but there are also certain days in the week where all the markets tend to show more movement. Know the best days of the week to trade forex.   Below is a chart of the average pip range for the major […]

What does this have to do with trading sessions? Well, just like TV, “ratings” (a.k.a. liquidity) are at their highest when there are more people participating in the markets.

Right as European traders are getting back from their lunch breaks, the U.S. session begins at 8:00 am EST as traders start rolling into the office.

Just when Asian market participants are starting to close shop, their European counterparts are just beginning their day.

For traders living in Murica (“America”), the trading day actually begins on Sunday night at 5:00 pm EST (10:00 pm GMT).

However, liquidity doesn’t really show up until the Tokyo open a few hours later.

Now that you know what forex is, why you should trade it, and who makes up the forex market, it’s about time you learned when you can trade.